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Cambridge Crossing
Science space
Science space
2.4MSF Residential
100kSF Retail
11acres open
2MBTA stops
In 2015 DivcoWest and two long-term capital partners acquired a 43-acre site located adjacent to one of the most highly sought after and innovative markets in the world, Kendall Square, and intersecting the three cities of Cambridge, Boston, and Somerville, Massachusetts.
To begin, our diversified team of development experts focused on reimagining land that had once been a transit hub booming with industrial activity, but in its more recent past had received entitlements while still sitting mostly undeveloped. Upon acquisition, DivcoWest worked alongside State and City officials, the community, capital partners, brokers, and lenders to reimagine a more vibrant master plan. From centralizing retail, to adding and diversifying open space, to collaborating with the City to relocate an MBTA stop onto the CX site, we worked with key stakeholders to envision how the 43-acre canvas could be transformed. We believed this new place could be a new and vibrant neighborhood engrained within the fabric of the existing community, a place built for the next generation of leaders to thrive.
With the task of redesigning the physical layout behind us, we shifted to reposition the perception of this long-awaited undeveloped 4.5M SF project and to share our enhanced vision. This new place was coined Cambridge Crossing (CX): A Home for Brave Ideas. Our vision for CX was to create a place and space for the next generation to deliver breakthroughs. With a plan for a diversification of uses and an innovation and people first approach, we set out to change perception of this long awaited project. First came a revitalized plan, next was a new brand and name, and what followed was speculative development of a state-of-the-art life science building. With a fresh start and strategic direction, Cambridge Crossing was well on its way to being repositioned into what will be a leading destination for leading innovation companies.
Today, CX has made significant progress. Currently CX has over 2.1M SF under construction, or recently completed, including office, lab, residential, and retail and is proudly now home to the Philips North American Research Center and Pfizer-backed Cerevel Therapeutics, and is the future home of Sanofi, Massachusetts’ largest life science employer, as well as Bristol Myers Squibb. At the heart of the project sits The Shed, a unique stand-alone two-story retail building located at the intersection of the neighborhood’s main streets and adjacent to acres of activated open and green spaces. In Fall of 2020, James Beard Award-nominated and local Chef, Will Gilson opened a multi-concept dining establishment and award-winning local brewer, Lamplighter, will bring a taproom mid-2021. The highlight of CX is its 11 acres of open and green space which already attracts people of all ages, building community and bringing joy to all. Upon completion, CX will deliver approximately 4.5M SF of tech and science space, 2100 new residential units in addition to the existing 2400 units, 100k SF of local and authentic neighborhood retail, and programmed open and green space.